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Creation Care & Climate Justice

Our Creator God has made a magnificent, complex, beautiful world, and this world is not unaffected by what we humans do. 

Our consumption, our use of natural resources, our output of waste – all of these things affect the creation that God made and declared good.

Beyond the direct effects on "the environment," our failure as stewards of creation also impacts the wellbeing of other humans, particularly the poor, the hungry, and the powerless, who God has called us to aid. 

Christians who are concerned for social justice shouldn't consider creation care and justice as separate or unrelated issues. Indeed, environmental degradation often first and most affects poor and vulnerable populations.


Climate Witness Project

Join a supportive community while you act to combat climate change!

Take Action


Act for Creation

Find the latest advocacy opportunities on our action centre.


The Bangladesh Bible Study Series 

Designed to help Christians engage faithfully with the issue of climate change.

10 Ways To Care for Creation

A free resource available in print or download form.


Prayer for Faithful Leadership Bulletin Insert

Order or print this bulletin insert with this prayer.

Climate Witness Bulletin Insert

Introduce your church to the Climate Witness Project with this insert.

Crowd-Sourced Worship Materials

A collection of worship materials, from prayers to visuals and from sermon notes to liturgies.

Go Deeper

Do Justice